Saturday, August 30, 2008

Trebuchet With Crew

Sometimes an experiment doesn't pay off in the end. While not a bad piece Mikes Trebuchet with crew doesn't deliver in a lot of areas.

1)Accuracy : 4 - For the most part this is a reqasonably accurate Trebuchet. I assume it was designed based off almost a direct drawing of a toy or something of the sort. The soldiers that come with it are not as nicely designed and really do not seem to reflect any known time period.

2)Design : 2 - The use of perspective is nice but it doesn't seem to be that well done. Lines are crooked some of the pieces look a little rushed and for the most part it has a poor quality feel to it. The soldiers have differnt colored bases from the Trebuchet also.

3)Standard : 2 - All of the equipment like this on the site right now is strictly side view. This makes this a little wierd when you look at it with the other things on the battlefield. However this is not bad but it simply isn't in the standard set forth by at least 2 years of design in this area.

4)Uniqueness : 3 - It is kind of unique in its design and subject but it isn't nesscarily what it could be. Points are not given simply for designing something completely differnt and because of that it loses a lot of score in this catagory.

5)Usability : 4 - Sure you could go ahead and print this out but there are just a lot of differnt scales and figures being shown on it. The bases are a differnt color and the people should be actaully using the weapon. With this said you could simply print it out in one click which is very very useful!

2.8 out of 5 stars - A set that needs a good amount of work to be up to par with a lot of the newer or other Medieval sets out there. For what it is its ok but at this junction it needs to be fixed.

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