1)Accuracy : 4 - The set seems to be reasonable accurate with a good amount of detail on some of the pieces. The colors seem to be a basic color scheme that could of been enhanced just slightly but otherwise it is up to par.
2)Design : 4 - Unfourtantly there seems to be too little detail on the wheels. Its not that it ruins the feel of the total set but it seems like there is almost too little design versus some other parts on the work. For example a huge amount of detail is given to the Sultans Commander turrent which has lots of very interesting features but little to the wheels.
3)Standard : 4 - Jeffs work fits right into the modern battlefield figures, but it doesn't nesscarily match the others. Mostly again on the wheels and a couple other small detail features. But its not a huge deal in the end.
4)Uniqueness : 4 - There have been a couple of other figures of this type on the site before so its not nesscarily a new figure that has been posted. It is a slight improvement.
5)Usability : 5 - A set like this is absoultly simple to print out. If you need these vechicles for your army then its a very simple and painless process to get these formated and done.
Total : 4.2 out of 5 - A good attention to detail that could use a slight amount of more work to make it a perfect and new standard for varients on the site.
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