1)Accuracy : 4 - From most pictures i've seen of this conflict the soldiers are uniform, but not. More or less what ever they have and then some. This set depicts this by having the soldiers be in various states of dress; or undress in one case! The guns are a good mix of what you may of seen in Africa at this time also; some FN's and AK's.
2)Design : 4 - The set is reasonably designed. I would expected more untucked shirts and less uniformed belts and suspender type things. Most of the white soldiers have a red beard which could be modified a little to make the set look a little more unique.
3)Standard : 4 - Designing a modern set is at this junction almost an exact science. We can pretty easily turn out a new nation or set of figures using a standard and accepted pose. This set does follow it although it deviates in basing methods. Tau0011 uses a much taller grass base simulating the purpose of these scouts. This makes it unique but also changes how they look when printed.
4)Uniqueness : 3 - For the most part the set uses very standard poses. There are some nice ones that are not usally used in a modern set; aka guy talking on the radio. To many soldiers have the same hat; or hair color. Which when printed out has no effect that is to great unless you are playing on a very small scale.
5)Useability : 4 - Tau0011 has pretty much used the same tried and true formula as other modern sets. One soldier to a base. The downside is again the long grass, the upside is also the long grass! So for the most part this is a major trade off which can be viewed as both good and bad :). While the design looks nice the impact on your game table is yet to be seen!
Overall : 3.8 out of 5 stars - A very nice set for a unique conflict.
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