1)Accuracy : 3 - Based on basic research it would seem that this nation uses older or discarded uniforms from 1st world nations. These uniforms look a lot like Vietnam era US soldiers. The major difference is the darker skin color based off the skin color set. (And the use of the various weapons.)
2)Design : 4 - Overall its a very nicely designed set. It is drawn in accordance with other sets and uses a nicely standardized weapon. There are enough details with in the set to make it interesting. A major issue I have with this set is that it is hard to really tell the squad leader from a basic soldier at first glance.
3)Standard : 5 - Chapter Master Pavlov has produced a nicely standardized set which could fit in on any modern era battlefield, maybe even some cold war periods.
4)Uniqueness : 3.5 - The set isn't that unique. There are not that many interesting poses or soldiers. There are two varients on the same soldier, making it hard to tell them apart. A hat is the only real variation.
5)Usability : 4 - What this set does have working for it is that it is clearly formated for printing. I can tell exactly how to build a unit of these soldiers and its all ready to be put on a page and printed.
Total : 3.9 out of 5 - Overall a nice set but nothing that is ground shaking or differnt.
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